We help business to develop resilient and scalable IT infrastructure

Disaster Recovery as a service

Service for quick and convenient VMware virtual machines recovery to backup site in case of the shutdown on the main site.

Cloud video surveillance

Video surveillance system from the scratch without expenditures on equipment and maintenance.

Why choose us as your IT partner

IT solutions on a turn-key basis

We will choose the best solution for your task and build it into your existing IT landscape.

Tech support is always available

Three tech support lines help you by mail and phone 24x7.

We are also ready to adapt to your IT management processes and create comfortable support regimes and channels.

Assign a technical command for your project

We develop and implement the solution, as well as take on the further support and maintenance.

Free test

Before buying our services we give you the opportunity to try most of it from two weeks to a month.

We sign the Non-Disclosure Agreement, NDA

We don’t make boast of our clients.

We take financial responsibility for quality

For each service we provide the Service Level Agreement (SLA).

In it we guarantee service availability, detailed performance metrics, and fast response to requests.

If we don’t meet our guaranteed parameters, we pay fines.